Basic question or not

My internet connection is made via dish.
No physical connection via cable. Is my digital sound via Tidal inherently degraded? Either through phone or computer?

All digital information regardless of how its connected is transmitted in packets. They go by different names depending on the format but its all pretty much the same. Packet goes out with the first bit of the packet saying hi I'm packet so and so and I'm this big and are you ready here I come.... next packet same deal. Meanwhile over on the receiving end its all hey we got a packet whattre we gonna do with it? Put it over there with the other ones.... and this goes on until pretty soon someone figures out there's packets coming in faster than there's packets going out. Okay you can start playing now! He says. And the most gawdawful rap music comes blaring out....

LOL, best description I've heard all year!! Thank you,
A Happy, Healthy New Year to ALL!!
No, it won't be degraded, but rather uplifting since it comes from satellite.  Accordingly cable delivered music should be down to earth and well grounded.

Happy New Year.