Basic Preamp - suggestions?

I need a basic preamp. I'd like to buy used and would like to spend under $200. Just looking for some suggestions that I can keep an eye out for. Thanks for the help.
add bottlehead to your list U can check out what owner- usershave to say about how these pres shamed some of the more expensive preamps. bottle head .com.
Just to share my experience since I have both Maverick tube audio DAC and Rotel RC-1070. I did a test, to me, witht he preamp sounds better than without. Also, I tried with and without the DAC, I couldn't hear any difference. So, I would suggest to get a preamp. And before I got the RC-1070, I got a Adcom GFP-710 for $200. It sounds good, but it sometimes sound harsh. The Rotel sounds darker, not as harsh, and can listen for longer hours without fatigue. Although I sold it and get a audible illusion tube preamp, I actually think RC-1070 is quite a good for the money. You can find one for $300, $100 over your budget though.
Thanks for all of the suggestions guys. Much appreciated. It looks like there is not shortage of preamp options and like somebody in the thread said, it might be a good idea to just get and see how it goes. Which is what I did.

I went with a B&K PT3. It sounds like it's a nice piece and I liked that it has a headphone out since we do have a baby on the way, I'm guessing that I might be doing some headphone listening.

Thanks again for all of the input.

So here is my system that should be setup in a few days.

NAD 533 (Rega P2 clone) - turntable
NAD PP-2 - phono preamp
Goldring Elan - cartridge
B&K PT3 - preamp
Rotel RB 1050 - amp
Linn Espek - speakers