Basic HDTV Question?

My rear projection TV is HDTV-ready but I was told when I bought it that I would need a separate box to receive HDTV broadcasts and that the boxes cost $500 to $700.

My local cable provider, Comcast, is now offering HDTV in my area and has a Motorola 6500 box that I can rent for $5 a month to receive true HDTV as well as 5.1 Dolby Digital audio. They told me that their box acts as the tuner so that I wouldn't need a separate HDTV adaptor box. Does that sound correct and logical? For $5 a month, if I don't need to buy another box for $500, it seems like a good deal to me...

Showing 1 response by dlr

As far as an antenna is concerned, my fellow salesman`s hd Toshiba wouldn`t pull in HD with an "HD" antenna. He tried all kinds of things. the only thing that worked was a straightened-out paper clip. we tried at the sore and it worked fine. I told him that he should patent it.