Bargain Basement, Giant Killing DACs for PC Audio

As I continue to upgrade my PC based systems, I am fascinated to see how certain DACs somehow retain considerable value for many years.

Because one might think that DACs are more vulnerable to depreciation and obscelesence than say, speakers or amplifiers.

Since this digital landscape changes quickly, perhaps this thread might become popular for a quick update on the latest, GIANT KILLER DACs.

New or used?

USB DACs or depreciated classic and a SPDIF adapter?

Thanks for your ideas.

Showing 4 responses by cwlondon

Thanks for replies so far.

Will check out the Aune - that is the type of new, USB suggestion I was thinking of vs say, a used Bel Canto with a SPDIF adapter....

As an aside, I notice that a lot of these bargain basement USB DACs seem to also have headphone amplifiers?

Is this because they assume that a significant percentage of people using these USB DACs will want to use headphones?

As I go out of my way to not listen to headphones unless I am on an airplane or in the gym, its a bit like getting a DAC with a toaster oven to me.

Why don't USB DACs have a simple attenuator instead?

Then, I could use my bargain basement USB DAC with active monitors or just a power amp.

In the giant killer rankings, I also wonder why now getting pretty old Levinson DACs still sell for a few thousand bucks.

So let's hear more recommendations.


Ah - perhaps I didnt realize that I could also use those devices as a "preamp" of sorts, using the front knob as a volume control with the RCA outputs in the back?

In fact, I have a uDAC somewhere in the collection, but had only used it on airplanes with headpones...

Thank you.
Hello Everyone,

Ahead of this holiday weekend, my mind is wandering again to "Bargain Basement, Giant Killing DACs" where I am amazed to see that > 8 years have passed since I first posted this thread.

I don't remember if I had yet purchased what has become my daily driver for PC and television:  an Antelope Audio Zodiac +.  Generally, I love using it as a DAC and a preamp when I am at my desk for long hours.

As an experiment (and reviewing SFAR's suggestion) I also dug out an old NuForce UDAC from storage with some decent cables and plugged it into my same system. 

Although I always enjoyed traveling with that device for laptops and headphones on airplanes etc, it sounds very hard, less spacious and instantly fatiguing compared to the Zodiac - at least on my desktop with near field monitors.  So back to the Giant Killers! 

Maybe 8 years later, there are some new ideas or even lower prices on previous suggestions?  Would love to know, especially with basic switching / attenuation to eliminate the need for a preamp.  Extra credit for DSD.
