Bang for the buck vs. “money no object” cable recommendations

Latest system consists of Musical Fidelity A308 integrated, Arcam irDac and Revel F30 speakers. Looking for speaker cable and RCA interconnect recommendations that are best bang for the buck. Also asking for ideal “if money we’re not object” recommendations. 

Showing 1 response by fmpnd

I’ve mostly stayed away from this type of recommendation in the past for my own reasons.  However, after a gazillion years in this hobby I experienced my own example of “bang for the buck” cables.  I was the first to review this cable in an “e-zine” and was, by request from the manufacturer, comparing them to my reference somewhat cost no object speaker cable,  After a long enjoyable review wondering if was really hearing what I thought I was hearing- I concluded that this $1k cable was the first to beat, by a noticeable margin, my $12k reference cable, that had not been beat over a 14 year period.  Yes,  my reference cable was beat by a $1K cable  by the SAME manufacturer!  For me, it was the “Steal of the Century!” 

As it turned out,  every reviewer after me, including Greg Weaver with a $700K system, also came to the same conclusion  and Greg proclaimed it beat his $27K reference cable and he too, switched to the new $1K cable!  He even has a detailed video where he explains his  inclusions in his review. 

That cable was the very first cable recommended in the first response by  eichlerera!!!!

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a “cost-no-object” speaker cable manufacturer come out with a cable costing a tenth of its previous reference cable and claim the cheaper cable is superior to its reference cable - and then proves it!!! 

But, as always YMMV
