Bang for the buck vs. “money no object” cable recommendations

Latest system consists of Musical Fidelity A308 integrated, Arcam irDac and Revel F30 speakers. Looking for speaker cable and RCA interconnect recommendations that are best bang for the buck. Also asking for ideal “if money we’re not object” recommendations. 

Showing 1 response by dekay

Posted this on one of your older threads in error...

As an experiment try a solid core copper cable no larger than 20 gauge (I'd try 22 gauge if your speaker cable lengths are 12', or less).

This can be purchased as hook-up wire @ many online sites on the the WWW.

I've only used Michaell Percy (sp?), but it's readily available @ different venders.

Anyway, try something inexpensive as an experiment.

Doing so may flesh out the LF's of your setup while retaining the mid/HF's.

If it sounds better then look into better solid core cable.

Cool speakers that would probably work well in our living room as I generally roam while listening.
