Bang and Olufsen

Bang and Olufsen stuff looks elegant. Anyone know how it sounds. Is it just a high priced Bose i.e very colored?

Showing 1 response by slaufer

I had a very different experience than Zaikesman. I listened to the Beolab 5s about 9 months ago and was very impressed. They were poorly set up so it was hard to know how much better they could sound at home but I found their presentation very musical, coherent and convincing. My frame of reference at the time: the Aerial 20ts and now the JM Lab Nova Utopias. I decided against the Beolabs purely on the basis of leaving behind the flexibility of choosing my own amps, having to leave behind my EMM Labs Dac 6, and the lack of any real discounting by B&O. Other than that, I would have definitely taken them for a spin, they were that enjoyable IMO.