Band with highest success/talent ratio?

Which bands do readers thinks have the highest success to quality ratio? In other words, which bands have been very successful yet deserve little success since their music is terrible?
I'll stir the pot right away with my #1 choice: Kiss. They were around for a while, made millions, dressed up in makeup because no one would've listened to them otherhwise, and maybe had one good song (but probably not).
My next choices would be Aerosmith and Dream Theater, although I'm not sure the latter were very successful. I hope not.

Showing 1 response by samuel

>>>"is it Elton John?? Someone needs to explain to me why he is so famous"<<<

Really? No raving fan here, but, are you serious? Ever seen some of his early playing, singing? Not arguing differing tastes in music, but his body of work is pretty compelling.

Same with the Dead. No talent? C'mon man. I don't listen to their music but they were undeniably talented.