I have another thread in this forum about this sort of thing. But there are no answers yet so I'll hop on to this one! In general, does delivering a signal to a preamp over balanced connections wind up delivering twice the voltage to the gain stage as using RCA? I ask because I'm worried that if I go balanced with my Pass X1 I will then lose that much more usable range from my volume control.
balanced/xlr vs. unbalanced/ single ended
would a true balanced pre/processor to amplifer (Meridian) sound measurably better than single ended/ unbalanced. all the interconnect cables are 1 meter. the speaker cables are 14 ft. for the fronts and 42 ft. to the rears. all high end/expensive cables.
Does anyone have a fully/true balanced Meridian processor/amp combo into passive speakers?
Does anyone have a fully/true balanced Meridian processor/amp combo into passive speakers?