Balanced Inputs

I have a preamp that has only one set of balanced inputs. What source would I get the most benfit using the balanced inputs:  My external DAC or phono preamp?


Showing 2 responses by holmz

Balanced inputs often offer 6dB increased gain. That can be valuable for a phono, worthless for a DAC

6bB less gain.


Tiny amounts of gain can be lost with very long interconnects. So do keep that in mind.

Really it is zero.


If two pieces have XLRs it gets to be a coin toss.
I run the DAC into mine.



It is my understanding that balanced audio circuits typically “add” 6 db of gain compared with a single ended circuit.


@charles1dad yeah semantics…

The output is 6dB more.
I was referring to the amp, which is then 6dB less. (Typically 20dB of gain versus the 26dB on RCA)
And then it all balances out.