Balanced connecter output voltage on a Brooklyn + DAC.

Does anyone know what the balanced connecters output voltage is on a Brooklyn + DAC? I have a Luxman CL-38uC and it states that the maximum input level at the balanced input  is 2.5 V and therefore sound signals may be distorted if a device with larger output level is connected. Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
I did not get a respond from Mytek but i did find this out. This specs are from the original Brooklyn, the maximum output levels at 1kHz were 9.84V from the balance outputs and 4.9V from the single ended outputs. My question is does the -6dB attenuation cut this values in exactly half? So with the internal -6dB jumpers engaged, the balance output would be 4.92V and single ended output 2.45V. Is this correct, if no could some one tell me the voltage for each with -6dB jumpers engaged. Any feed back greatly appreciated! With no jumpers, too hot for me. Thanks in advance! Newbee Joe.