balance and single ended what I heard

I don't know about you but I tried balanced cables and without a doubt I thought the single ended sounde MUCH better and I am using inexpensive rca cables..I mean it wasn't even close,I found the balanced sound lifeless lacking tune,punch and feeling...I tried it a few times same result...any thoughts ??
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Showing 4 responses by superhonestben

thanks for your responses, My equipment is a Mac C46 into a Mac 252, also have a Mac c2200,used a Monster balanced interconnect...using a Monster rca and analysis plus rca,also use a goldmund rca...using B&Wcm4, Linn Ninkas and Khorns...get the same results no matter what speakers. All I can tell you is what I hear, regarding the Naim cd comment, I spent extensive time with them, didn't hate them per se, just found I preferred a more relaxed sound of the Linn Ikemi vs the ultra dynamic of the Naim.

I like both tube and ss thats why I have both, tried it a few times over different days....same results, with the monster balanced the system goes kind of flat and loses the sparkle...its got me stumped.
follow up I slao have Mac mc275 1V...same result also,rcas sound much better, maybe the Monster balanced cable is just a bad sounding cable, dont know it is the only one I have tried....Also read many comments on this forum from people who haven't heard the gear or casually hear it in a store (with umpteen variables) and make comments....All my comments are from actually owning the gear or hearing it my house for a reasonable time...I have heard quite a bit of gear and found,forget just have to listen.
maybe thats it,maybe the outputs aren't truly balanced, I guess I will call Mac and see what they the very least I would have figured they would sound about the same if that were true, but like you said above there aren't any absolutes
Bigjoe, glad you lie your 2200/252 I know I like mine,might try another 252 too, anyway obviously I need to try another xlr cable,cheap and easy to do,just need to get to a guitar center.