Bada Purer 3.3..any opinions or experience?

I am considering buying this hybrid with swamped out tube upgrades.A new version is on the way the 3.3SE with JAN 6189 tubes which I imagine will need to be swapped to obtain the best sound.I am currently running a Creek Destiny which will be for sale soon.I have PSB Platinum M2 mounted on the larger Tyler Acoustics stands filled with sand plus the, amazing for the money, PSB 5i sub .I have a TRL modded Marantz sa 8001 which is as good as digital gets on the front end IMHO.I use DH Labs for IC and cable( their best stuff ) and a PS Quintet power conditioner with Virtual Dynamics power 3 AC chords which sound good but are really unwieldy to use.I also have two sets Audioprism quietlines .

Any opinions or FB on this amp?

Showing 1 response by luisranger2bn

I own bada purer 3.3 with combined to kef IQ7 source emotiva ERC-1 and project SM6.1sb with project Tubebox the tubes I used bada is Electro Harmonix 6922EHG super cryoset and the Tubebox Electro Harmonix 12AX7EHG super cryoset and cartridge with project SM6.1SB is grado platinum the interconectors I used straighwire chorusII turntable to tubebox to bada,straighwire encore balance emotiva to bada3.3 monster cable m2.2 speakers I audition my system I hear extension in the highs mids very transparent and authority very clean and fast bass w tightness I listen Diana Krall ( The Look Of Love ) lp reissue it's very enjoyable sound with this combination and I listen CD Ed Mann ( get up ) w emotiva/ bada/kef I listen very quick bass,transparent mods and very extension highs w big soundstage the incredible factor is bada purer 3.3 is very sensivity to describe what happened to record or source I recommended this bird is comparable to $5,000.00 amplifier with all combination is comparable $60,000.00 system with only little less cost like $4,000.00 investment plus cables High Recommend $$$