Bad room, bad tunes

I recently moved into a cramped apartment, my listening room being 10x11x8. I have a pair a Hales Rev. twos (8" sealed) that have been placed in many spots, but the powerful standing waves persist, and the highs are very fatiguing at louder volumes. The imaging sucks too. Will acoustic room treatment help, or is it just too much speaker for such a small room (thinking of swapping for Merlins or N805s)? Could I get some recommendations on effective, but not too expensive treament? Thank you everyone, it is a dark hour in Ohlala audio.

Showing 1 response by audiopath

Yo Ohlala, As for the modes (standing waves), you have two ways to go...treat the room or treat the bass problem electronically. The first thing you need to do is the math. Your room is resonating at 100hz & 110Hz from the primary and the first axial mode and 137.5hz from the other axial mode. The big problem it the double whammy at 100~110Hz. Those freqs. will be 9db louder than the rest of the midbass. You should start by looking at the ASC Tube Traps ( for the corners. Contact them for suggestions on what sizes and how many to start with. If you can’t afford them, then you can make your own versions using cardboard concrete forms and fiberglass insulation or foam insulation. As for the treble problems, they can be solved fairly easily using ready made or diy absorbers. Start with the side walls. Two inch thick white foam that you can buy at cloth and camping stores will work in a 2 x 4 sheet... if you cover it with a double knit cloth it will even look nice. Start with 8 of them: 2 each for the center of all 4 walls. Use a hot glue gun to attach the cloth and then velcro or glue the finished product up on the wall. Cut the corner pieces from an 18” square into a triangle and fold it into a “v” shape. Then stretch the cloth over the top and two sides and glue it in back. It will be hollow inside. The 2” foam will glue up or velcro into the corner. As for the electronic solution, you will need an electronic crossover for a subwoofer to roll off the bass at 24db/octave below about 120hz. Then use a small sub set at 80hz to fill in the bottom. Using a sound pressure level meter ($30 at Shadio Rack) you can adjust the sub's volume control until it levels out below 100hz. Buy the Stereophile Test CD #2 for the bass test tones.