Bad NOS tubes...

I just want to put this out much as I would not like head says otherwise. Tube buyers beware!!!

On 3/7/16 I bought 6 NOS Mullard 12au7 4003 tubes for my preamp from a vender out of Minesing, Ontario Canada... under the store front name of ’’ and ’ tube’

The owner is one Alfred Kayser. On his site/sites he states all of his tubes are tested and matched for best performance values. Well,I went ahead and ordered and received said tubes. After 2-3 months of use I started to hear unacceptable levels of noise from my speakers,you know, the dirty sound of that dreaded tube noise of a scratching, distorted, dirty volume pot type of noise,which totally infringes upon the music. I went ahead and called Alfred and asked him about it and he just responded there is "nothing he could do" for me. Hey,no problem,but he advertised full-up tested tubes. If it was only one bad tube,I could understand,I’m a realist...things happen.


Long story short,I came to find out that four of the six tubes are defective and are not what I paid for. Two are fine. So the moral of this story is...When buying tubes,do not go the cheaper route,find and use a "reputable" tube vender and save yourself some time,money and aggravation. Of course I will never use this guy again for any of my audio needs... Hope this is of some help to the Audiogon membership.


Showing 1 response by derrickengineer

How is a seller of NOS tubes able to know or predict when a tube goes bad after it tests as new ? If 4 tubes went bad out of the six tubes, how is it possible to know that there are 4 bad tubes sold to you and 2 good tubes sold to you? Ive bought over 100 tubes NOS and new.  Some new tubes were bad right from the start/1st time put into a preamp, noisy but they still tested as new. Rough shipping damage? Any tube purchase is a cointoss whether NOS or new imo.