Bad news for audiophiles?

In new study a bottle of wine priced at $90 tastes better than a bottle of the same wine with price tag of $10.

Showing 7 responses by geoffkait

Expectation bias is actually a quite different phenomenon from placebo effect. Both are frequently used as "the real reason" why audiophiles hear certain hard to swallow tweaks or expensive cables. 

380 posts
10-13-2016 8:32am
The worst part is when people think they have to spend 20% of their budget on cables.

Some people actually aren't on a budget. Whoa! What!!
383 posts
10-14-2016 11:22am
No snark intended. Funds that would yield better results on other components end up going into expensive cables to compensate weaknesses in the system.

Uh, pretty sure you’re supposed to spend the excess funds on tweaks, not other component or cables.

1,205 posts
10-15-2016 1:23am
I’ve always liked this quote:

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."

it would be nice if there was a Standard of Quality in the industry. That way there would be some way to distinguish between Poor Quality and Excellent Quality. There is no standard for dynamic range. There is no standard for polarity. There is no standard for transparency. There is no standard for anything.  As it stands I’m afraid audiophiles don’t really know what the heck they’re even listening to. 
randy-11 wrote,

"The really bad news for audiophiles is the disreputable pseudo-techno-babble spouted by people who don't know the first thing about electronics or bio-acoustics, many of whom use that to bill their customers of thousands of dollars.

If you disagree, then I have a basilar membrane based bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you."

Whoa! What!  Where is that coming from?