Bad experience with Red Dragon Audio

Purchased 15 cable elevators from Red Dragon Audio for $149.00 (well attempted to purchase anyway). Paid for the product, got a email confirmation of the order, choose the shipping method which the price was waived as a promotion. two weeks now and no elevators or further corraspondence from Red Dragon Audio. I have emailed them 3 times to try and determine the status, no return emails, and there is no phone number listed for them on Needless to say I am very dissapointed because it appears that they have a decent reputation in the audio community. I finally called American Express to  dispute the charge and they did provide me with a phone number however when you call it rings like its an overseas call and finally simply disconnects the call. So I just disputed the charge with Amex and they will investigate from there. So just a word to the wise. When buying audio gear on line if there is no phone number that you can call and actually speak with a human about the product your paying for beware. Luckily I used Amex for the charge because they are VERY good at disputes and make the money on your card available to you at that time instead of having to wait for some long investigation to play out. curious if anyone else has had a bad experience with this company. 
Shortly after I posted this the refund arrived ... actually pretty quickly.  Responding to my messages would have prevented the previous post.  Good service and quick refund otherwise so if you're tempted to give it a try, go for it.
For those of you who have an S500 amp, do any of you have a hum noise from it?  I received mine just under 1 week ago and I have a hum that doesn't get softer or louder with volume change. I have it plugged into a Panamax MR5100. I tested inputs and switched back in other amplifiers and have deduced it is from the S500.  I'm otherwise very impressed with the power and the sound.
I learned it was a ground issue. Only sharing in that it was Ryan from RD who actually emailed me, promptly I might add (less than 2 hours later, late evening), with some suggestions. I was very much a potential returner, so whatever issues there might have been, I'd attribute to a rough day or isolated case.  Ryan even followed up to see if I figured it out. That's going above and beyond. If I had more cash, I'd buy another to run monoblocks or power my center channel.
I am considering RD for a current system upgrade as it were and I ran across Red Dragon. 

A few questions for those with experience with RD amplifiers.

1. Would you buy their amps again based on your exp with RD ( customer service, quality of product, and overall quality of sound?)  
2. Would they be a good fit with B&W CDM9NTs ( paired with Marantz av7704 preamp )

3. Can anyone describe sound quality and dynamics vs other Class AB amplifiers such as those in the price category of: Rotel, Parasound, ATI, Monoprice, Emotiva, Outlaw Audio.  
4. Would RD amplifiers be consider same, less, or more quality products than the above brands?

Thanks in advance.

Well I love my RDs
Ryan was always quick with replies via email.

I would consider them better Rotel and Emo as those are the only ones you listed that I have owned.

Look at Wryed4sound also