Backup music from IPOD to PC or Mac

One of the most annoying aspects of the IPOD seems to be the impossibility of back music that was backed up into the IPOD. Now, there is a company that offers a solution, thus allowing people to downstream their music into a different computer. Has anyone tried this software called "Ipod Liberator 2.0" How does it work? What about sound quality?

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Showing 1 response by jayboard

I purchased PodWorks. Haven't used it much, but it seems to work well, has nice features and is easy to use. Don't have any reason to suspect there would be sound quality issues. PodWorks can export iPod music to new folders by artist or album on your hard drive or directly to your iTunes music folder. I got it mainly because I wanted to update my iTunes music library with metadata, namely star ratings, that I created on the iPod itself.