Backup Generator transfer switch

In the past two issues of Stereophile, Michael Fremer has been discussing the disastrous results to the sound of his system after having a backup generator installed at his home. The system is not running on the generator, but he believes it has to do with the transfer switch that gets installed on the AC signal path.  He describes a pre-generator experience as "intense and emotionally elevating" afterwards "everything good was gone, two large ill-focused boomboxes had replaced absolute magic".  I recently moved and had been listening to my system prior to and after the installation of a Generac whole house generator, I did not notice any change in the sound, I can still sit and enjoy the music for hours with no sense of fatigue.  Perhaps my ears are shot or my equipment is not expensive enough.  Anyone here have any experiences with generator transfer switches?

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Showing 3 responses by deadlift

What cleeds did is exactly what Fremer is having done - setting up another circuit for his audio bypassing the transfer switch.
I have a similar ATS, although mine is in the basement right next to the panels not outside. Fremer does add towards the end of his last article in Stereophile that it could have something to do with having over $800,000 dollars of a system (some of which is review products) and more expensive equipment can be more sensitive to issues.....Nothing I'll have to worry about.
I have nothing against the guy (Fremer) in fact I find him funny at times, but I was thinking along the lines as audio2design mentioned that could this be a plug for a rather expensive piece of gear?

Perhaps the careful placement of mpingo discs would solve the problem?