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I'll make a long story short. Thanks to some car repairs since September I've shot my disposable income for the year. Still need a pair of speakers too because when I was just about to buy a pair my car needed a new engine.

Have looked at the DIY concept but have become very discouraged with the attitude of some of the people. Many have an elitist attitude that ANY commercial offering is junk and pales in comparison to any home built speaker or speaker kit. In light of this I don't entirely trust some of the advice I am getting from those people on another forum.

At this point I think I can scrape up around $400 again by May if nothing else happens to cause me to be out 4 grand or $1500 at a shot. I figure I can still get a decent speaker for up to $400 and be content until at some point when I can build a DIY kit or find a better commercial offering.

1) My current Jamo C 601's sound fine but need to be placed 24 inches from the back wall to give the right sound stage. I need something that can be placed right up against the back wall or perhaps a few inches off.

2) Need a speaker with a mellow high end. Nothing bright. Like a nice soundstage and good detail. Bass does not need to be heavy. Just want to hear it.

3) Prefer a bookshelf speaker though may consider a small tower if it is light weight.

4) Will be using a Qinpu A3 integrated amp and also a Dayton DTA 120 solid state integrated amp. 50 wpc into 8 ohms.

5) Room size is 14 by 12 with a 9 foot ceiling. Hardwood floors too. Thus the need for a mellow speaker.

Was thinking the Boston Acoustics A 25 might work. Read a couple of reviews that said it can be placed up against the wall and still sound decent.

Any other ideas. I am open to suggestions.

Showing 8 responses by will62

Those two links are to the model Aon 3, not 2. Odd. I searched for the 2 but somehow the 3 also came up.

Read a Stereophile review of the 2 and it does appear to be a great speaker. Finding one that I can afford, even used, will be a challenge though.
RW. Thanks for the suggestion. Will do some research on them. Have heard about them and Stereophile lists them as one of the best products in the "D" category for 2014.

Just found out the Wharfdale Diamond 10.1 is still available and apparently on sale. Probably a closeout. That speaker may be the best I can get that more or less has exactly the sound I am looking for. Also found out it plays fine near the back wall.
Maplegrovemusic. Yes, I am planning on doing something along these lines. Thanks for reinforcing this idea as being the best route. Two pairs of speakers are in the cards since I will have two different systems in separate rooms. Will purchase speakers that are soncially different from one another. That way certain recordings that don't sound right on one, should work well on the other pair of speakers.
Infinity 363 tower is too heavy. I don't want to lug around another 50 lb speaker these days.

Sales Rep with Wharfedale suggested the new 220. What Hi Fi raves about it and says it is the best speaker in its class. No flaws. And with the downward firing port it can be places just a few inches from the rear wall and sound fine.

Aon 2's according to a review said don't play well in larger rooms. Best in very small rooms. I suspect that the size room I have and the high ceiling will not work well for this speaker.

The Pioneer gets very good reviews including a great write up from Stereophile. Comes up a bit short against the Wharfedale's but overall a very good speaker that is dirt cheap. It has a rear port though I and I am wondering about placement. Will have to read more user reviews to see if this can be placed near a rear wall and still project a good image. Wharfedales's will do that.

Design Acoustics is another large speaker from what I see. Finding a complete working model is going to be a challenge. Every one for sale that I could see needed some kind of work. Will research these a bit more though because they do seem to have the right sound for my ears.
Johnnyb53. Found the following reviews. Reference here about how well it does in small rooms. Seems to suggest it is better suited to small rooms.
Mesch. Sure, let me know how the test goes. I don't really want a bass heavy speaker. Just need to hear it. The Jamo is fine in that respect it just needs too much room off the back wall which is a problem in the new house.

Music Direct has a 60 day return policy. I have read almost no bad reviews of the Diamond 10.1 or the new 220's. And based upon what I have read these are going to sound a lot like the Jamo speakers but likely a little better.

Looks like a good speaker. But again the weight is an issue. I have had a slipped disc in my back for 20 years and as I've gotten older I have eliminated most of my heavy furniture. Aside from my Mirage OM 10 towers I don't have anything that weighs more than 40 lbs at this time except for a chair that belonged to my Grandfather. When I buy a dresser again that will likely be as light a piece as I can find.

If I knew I was not going to move again I would be more inclined to buy a larger speaker. But the house is small and not ideal as my permanent home. Current apartment is even punier and these would take up half the room. LOL
After I get my taxes done in early April I will know what I can afford. If I don't owe and get a few hundred back I may be able to purchase something up to $600. The MMG's do interest me and I have considered these over the years. Since they are light weight and can be moved, I would not have an issue owning a pair of these.

I have picked out a pair of DIY speakers which will be purchased at the end of this year or after I get moved into a house (or the existing house). But I want a pair of new commercial grade speakers as well since I will have two systems. Not sure the OM 10's will sound right in the other room due to placement issues again and the shape of one wall.

I also have to contend with plaster walls in the current house. Have put in some heavy drapes and will get some acoustic panels for the walls if I can figure out a way to mount them without drilling into the plaster. That being the case I must have a mellow speaker to avoid listening fatigue. Little question the Wharfedale's should work fine in that environment. Their Denton is half off at Music Direct and that might be worth considering since it has a very mellow sound and also does not need to be that far off the rear wall to sound good.