Bache Tribeca 001 /Wolf Audio/Exogal combo- Simply Amazing

Hi All,
I believe I am finallly DONE. A few months ago I took a chance and purchased a pair of bache tribeca speakers(unheard) but liberal return policy. I was intrigued by single driver.  My source is WOLF audio systems (heard at DC show/also amazing upgrade from Bluesound Vault). Speakers powered by Exogal ION AMP and DAC Exogal Comet (also amazing products). Highly recommend all 3 as my system has never sounded better. In this hobby for 40 years and owned too many speakers to mention (Nola/Salk/Kef/Paradigm/Sonus) etc. For the money/bang for the buck nothing I have owned is better than the Tribeca. Customer Service from WOLF/Exogal & Bache is simply the BEST I have ever expereinced with any product or service. So much gratitude for Greg at Bache; Joe at WOLF; Jeff at Exogal. Just great people that share a passion not only for music but in providing a level of customer service unparalled in any industry.Highly recommend as BEST OF. Much peace and audio enjoyment to my fellow hobbyists. Wishing you the same success. Now back to the music !

Showing 1 response by thewolfaudio

Hey Ken, thanks for the mention. The Luna is a great system and is about to get better - we have made our Flux Capacitor card smaller - to fit into the Luna case and provide a big step up in USB audio quality. Existing Luna owners can upgrade, so lets talk.  -Joe from Wolf-