Bach Brandenberg Concertos CD Recommendation

I need a cd (only) recommendation for a complete set of the Brandenberg Concertos. I'd like a performance that has speed, rhythm and, of course , good sound. I was very disappointed with the recent Harmonia Mundi (label) offering. I thought it to be ponderous and oversized. I remember liking the old Nonesuch LP set. Any recommendations?

Showing 2 responses by cpdunn99

Three excellent choices:

(1) Il Giardino Armonico, Antonini
Teldec (1997)

(2) The English Concert, Pinnock
Archiv (1982)

(3) Tafelmusik, Lamon
Sony (1994)

Sometimes I go with the "big names" because they released a good version! It so happens that some "big names" are actually earned/justified.

That being said, one of my recommended recordings is the TafelMusik one (with Jeanne Lamon), as seconded by Arcangelo. There are no "big names" with this one.