B55 and lightweight platter lenco tables

I can't find any references to the B55 on here and am wondering thoughts on this model or other "lightweight platter" designs vs. the the heavy ones that most people get, like the L75. Is the performance difference such that these aren't worth it?

I think I've read that they have the same motors and idler wheels, and the difference is just the platter?

Any thoughts. I'm thinking of going to lenco route to replace my Music Hall MMF-2.

It is a good ploy to start off with a light platter Lenco, make the plinth, fit the arm, use a mm cart and you will be surprised how good that sounds. Then buy a bearing and heavy platter from one of the many 'breakers' on the bay, mainly in the UK, but shipping is easy for parts.

Convert to heavy platter, rock. :)

Lots to see here - www.lenco-lovers.com

The light weight platter attracts the magnets inside of cartridges (at least MC ones).

I gave up on it because that changes vertical tracking force.