B&W what amp is best solid state or tube... guess

B&W is one of the most renowned speakers in the world. maybe not the best but close to the best sounding for it's innovation in terms of there research facility,Hugh factory on sound and how it gets from the amp through the speaker cable and into the speaker, through the crossover network and into the speaker pushing the cone from the driver magnet. amazing isn't it. well I have listened to many amps through the b&w speaker the 801 lets just stick with this model. for solid state I have found the pass labs amp don't ask why but the x 350 even the newer pass labs amps have a wonderful sound into the speaker. it hard to explain. it sounds like my tube amp . I always use Cary cad 211 mono blocks into my 801 diamonds. I have always loved the tube sound into the b&w speakers. all of them. but for some reason I am thrown a loop when it comes to nelson pass amps. It's just something I cant get a grip on about the b&w speaker with this amp. Now the amp does nothing for me with other speakers. It's not magical with any other speaker but the b&w.((( my opinion only))) how do you figure this out. I have put every tube amp I have on my b&w and the only one which comes close is the Cary 805 c 2005 model and the cad 211 anniversary edition. they are the only ones which come close. give me your opinion. I am hard pressed to find out how a solid state amp like nelson pass amps can give the realization of the tube sound into this speaker.
I play with a modified Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 300. ( including: tubes) I use the Nautilus 800N
In years of listening to friend's BW 800 and 801, the big krells are always a match made in the sky with these speakers.

the old ksa 250 + Jadis pre-amp = BW 800

the ksa300s + jadis pre-amp / blue circle pre-amp = BW 801.

It nice to have a tube pre-amp in that chain so sound could be more forgiving.

Or a warm sounding pre-amp mated with the Krells would also work
I run Classe' CA-M400 on my 800Ds and it is perfection on the treble and mid range, incredibly smooth and detailed. Bass is very accurate, but slightly understated with the Classe' CP-700. Bass is much better with the Audio research Reference 3 pre-amp I am running now.
Solid state or tubes really isn't the question it's what amp you like the sound of best. There are designs of both types that are capable of handling B&W speakers. The key to audio is matching your speakers to a proper system (in particular a power amp that can cope with the associated speaker's characteristics). Could you imagine a Honda engine under the hood of a 1970 Dodge Challenger? Honda makes great engines no doubt but in this instance it wouldn't be a good match.
>>Could you imagine a Honda engine under the hood of a 1970 Dodge Challenger? Honda makes great engines no doubt but in this instance it wouldn't be a good match.<<

The current V-6 Honda/Acura engine is more powerful that 5 of the 1970 Challenger engine options. It would easily power the Challenger to acceptable performance levels at that time and with greater efficiency/less pollution/less noise.

Don't forget that today's engines are rated bhp (brake horsepower) i.e. the power available to the car at the drive axle. The horsepower ratings in the 60's and 70's were overstated in that regard. However, and to be fair here, many manufacturers underrated some motors due to potential insurance problems. Good examples of this are the Chevrolet L-88, Z-28, and ZL-1 options. Chrysler's 426 hemi is another example of understated power.