B&W vs Von Schweikert house sound?

Looking to get handle on differences in sound between B&W 802N/D&803N/D and the various comparable VSA models: VR4SR, VR4SRmkii, VR5HSE, VR5SE (although the 5SE may be beyond the range of comparison, no?). What are the distinctive differences between them, ie,
which is warmer,
has more detail,
is more analytical,
more forgiving of bad recordings,
gets deeper and provides more visceral bass
provides more articulate vs boomy bass,
better soundstage and imaging,
has more liveliness or live feel,
widest dispersion/sweetspot,
less finicky about placement
would play nice in 15x18 basement

Thanks much...Jeff

Showing 1 response by patent

I auditioned the 802D at 2 dealers & one home, and the VR-4 SR at one dealer, before ultimately buying the Thiel 3.7.

I did not find the 802D tonally neutral in any of the 3 very different systems. Apparently, getting it to sound neutral is very tricky at best.

The VR-4 SR was tonally neutral. My primary criticisms were: (1) it was strained or distorted on peaks in heavy classical music like Mahler; (2) vertical lobing was pronounced, so tonal balance was critically dependent on listening height.

I find the Thiel 3.7 exceptionally dynamic and detailed, tonally neutral, and very tolerant of listening position.