B&W vs. Sonus Faber

803 d3 vs Sonus Faber Olympica nova v. These are comparably priced, about $16k.

have heard both in separate rooms with diff equipment. Both sound quite good. Trying to decide.
Interested in any opinions, or other options.


Showing 1 response by mrklas

Emerging Soul

I have run McIntosh C2600/MC302 through Sonus Fabers.

I personally auditioned the Sonus Fabers against B&W. It’s personal choice. And there’s a lot of good choices for speakers.

I am now biased towards Sonus Fabers...I have friends who prefer Maggies and appreciate personal preference.

Therefore, my recommendation would by the Olympica Nova V. And I’d listen to Davor Fidelity...I was impressed when I heard the gibbon Super Nine and perhaps ProAc

Enjoy the process, good luck and share your ultimate selection.