B&W Sig. 805 and Merlin TSM

I have a B&W sig. 805 5.1 system that is great. Unfortunately, the bug for a change has hit. I have great interest in the merlin tsm mm/mx speaker also for 5.1. Please help out with comparisons? All input is appreciated.

No comparison. The newer small Merlins make all small B&W's sound broken. I got a pair of TSM-MX's to replace my CDM1NT's. After a couple of days of side by side comparison I disconnected the B&W's and never had a desire to hear them again. I'm very familiar with the 805 sound... it's a little tighter on the bass than my CDM1NT's, but I know exactly what you have and what you could have. The Merlins don't take as much power, but then, they don't need as much. The B&W's require lots of juice just to squeeze the midrange out. I have my TSM-MX's hooked up in my left and right fronts with the remnants of my B&W 5.1 system taking up center, rears and sub--for now. At some point I intend to go Merlin for center as well. Greatest joy is 2 channel, but SACD and DTS Audio sound wonderful as well.
Mutual roads...I had the CDM1NTs,now,Merlin VSM-MMs.Different league,this Merlin speakers ...

How are you,Mr Lawyer ?

Time for a nice stereo amp for the Merlins ? Tube or two,perhaps ...?
I'm glad that everyone likes the Merlins. I have not had a chance to hear them. However, I can guarantee that the sig 805 is in a totally different league than the CDM 1NT. I've owned both. They are light years apart.

TheChair, not sure if you are confusing speakers here. The sig 805 is different, and quite a bit better, than the Nautilus 805.