B&W Nautilus 803 & 804 Vs The World

How different does the 803 and 804 sound? And how do these compare to other comparablely priced dynamic speakers, such as a Revel F30, Dunlavy Aletha or even the more expensive Avalon Arcus?
Although I own 804s, but the 803s are much better. More midrange, better imaging and of course, more bass considering the larger woofers. I AB comparisoned them last year. Many knowledgeable B&W people consider the 803s better than the prior 801 matrix. I used to own the 801 Matrix and my 804s in some respects are better, definitely more musical. Hope this helps. Randy
The 803's really do it right. I have the 805's and am very happy with them (and my REL Strata III sub). When I was auditioning speakers it was the 803's that gave me a sense of real balance. I also tried the Aeriel model 6, and the Audio Pysic Tempo. I did prefer them to the 805's but I had space cosiderations and happily settled on the 805's. How they compare to the 803's ?,I would have to check them all out again.