B&W N802 vs FOCAL 937Be

I have the opportunity to buy either one of these Speakers for $4,500-used. Both are less than 2-yrs old and in excellent condition. On paper they seem very similar with the one major difference being the 937Be's high-freq. capabilities which go all the way up to 37Khz, while the N802's only go up to 22Khz. Both Speakers use a pair of 8" Woofers and the low-freq. are within 1hz of each other. I casually listened to the N802 a couple of years ago and briefly listened to the 936 (not 937Be) only once. From memory the N802 was a bit forward/midrange-centric and the 936 a bit laid back/very-smooth. These 2-models fit my room, amplifier, budget and have great asthetics + both are made by whom many consider to be the two top Speaker Manufacturers in the world.
Any other opinions out there on these two?

Showing 1 response by dhc

There is an easy tweak for the tweeter in the N802. There are 2 Vishay resistors in parallel on the High pass board. If you remove one or just cut the lead on one it drops the output about 2-1/2 dB and in most Non-anechoic rooms will sound much better and not loose detail or air.
They B&W's NEED power. I tried many amps with mine and the Bryston 14B SST2 was the one I liked best. These were one of the most life like speakers I have ever owned, but you have to have the amp to drive them or you will be disappointed.