If you're going to spend about $4,500 and want to keep an open mind to other products, try looking into the Von Schweikert VR-4 JR or the Krell Resolution 2. The VR-4 JR will cost way cheaper than $4,500 on the used market, but would not be embarrassed by the B&W N802 and FOCAL 937Be. In fact based on my past auditions (I heard the B&W N802, but not the Focal), I think the JRs, if set up properly, will sound more like real live music than the B&W. Not saying the B&W is bad, as I almost bought a pair last year myself. But the VR-4 JRs just sounded more real and better to me. The Krell Res 2 which costs a little more closer to the $4500 range offers almost the same characteristics as the VR-4 JRs, but with subtle flavor differences, are pretty nice too. If your room is big, then the Krell Res2 might be a better choice, but if your room is not too big, the VR-4 JRs will do nicely and save you money. As always, see if you can audition them first before making any purchase....$4500 is no chump change, so be careful.
Good luck !
Good luck !