My buddy needs some help he is upgrading his b&w n 804 that had magic in his small room 10by 13.he is considering theb&w n802 but is worried about over loading room with bass,because the size of the room also considering hales p5 .the equipment used is jeff rowland model 2 amp. ,bat vk 30se preamp,wadia 860 x cd,transparent super xlr ics and speaker cable, three richard grays,1 quantumpro,and cobra on the wadia please help

Showing 1 response by alfonso

both units will be overkill in that room.the 802 are big speakers,have you seen the footprint .i have hales rev and the have great bass,a lot more than the 802 but there smaller.the hales p have the same bass if not more than the rev do to the box.you don't say why you want to change the 804 there nautilus too.you want a bigger speaker.