B W Matrix 803s - Tighten up the bass

First, let me say how wonderful if feels to see the VERY GENEROUS support from the WORLD'S audiophiles for those affected most by this tragedy via the charity auctions.

I'm pretty new to audio. I have a small listening room (home office) and have put together a nice little system (used stuff from audiogoners) - B&W Matrix 803 - Series I (one bass driver) on Sound Anchor stands, Plinius 8150, Linn Ikemi, Onkyo T9090II tuner, HT Truthlink ICs, HT Pro9 biwire cables, Black Mamba PC to Plinius, JPS Digital PC to Ikemi. No dedicated circuit, but no loads on the existing circuit except the audio system. Hospital-grade outlets.

I would like to "tighten us the bass" in my system. The speakers were manufactured in 1986 and appear to be in very good condition.

I would appreciate any suggestions that don't require spending a ton of money, or suggestions on similar threads that I may research.

Thank you,
Joel in Fort Worth

Showing 1 response by joeldoss

Friends, thanks for all of the input. Bob Bundus, the room is small and has some small office pieces, one upholstered chair, carpeting and I have upholstered (with padding) the entire wall behind the speakers.

I am experimenting with new PCs. I just installed a new DIYCABLE PC to the integrated and moved the Black Mamba to the source (Ikemi). It needs time to burn in.
