B&W DM604 S2 worthy upgrade from DM603 ?

Hi all,

I have an opportunity to pick up a pair of B&W DM604 S2 speakers and I'm not sure whether it's worth the investment or not.

My current setup is a 5.1 consisting of DM603 for front left and right, a CC6 for center and DM601 bookshelf speakers on stands for the rears. I also have a Velodyne subwoofer.

If I pick up the new DM604 S2 speakers, the configuration would be: DM604S2 for front, DM603 for rear, CC6 center, Velodyne sub. The bookshelf speakers would be repurposed elsewhere in the house since I don't have a room configuration that lends itself to upgrading to 7.1.

I could also pick up a CC6 S2, but I'm not sure just the "S2" is a big enough difference to matter over my Series 1 CC6. Opinions on this would be appreciated as well.

I've never been at all unhappy with my current configuration, and I'm wondering - will I likely notice a big enough difference to justify the upgrade?


Showing 4 responses by smhyde

Thanks for the replies! Unless someone chimes in with something that changes my mind, I think I'll save my money for some other toy!

I'm not as critical of quality as I suspect some of the folks on Audiogon are. I've spent a relatively small amount of money getting a relatively good surround sound system and I'm happy with it. I just realized my Velodyne subwoofer is 17 years old and still going strong, which means my B&Ws are about the same age. If I haven't found a need to upgrade in 17 years, I don't see any reason to do it now, especially for a "slight difference". No need to fix what isn't broken!
Hmmm. Now I'm thinking again. What would you say is a "reasonable price" or are we supposed to talk money in the forum? $400/pr, $600/pr, $800/pr? Rather than really asking what they are worth, what I have to determine is - how cheap do I need to get them in order to not be disappointed that I spent the money. Even $800 wouldn't break my bank, but I'd hate to waste it when I could spend it on something else that would make me happier.

And even though I don't have a room that would lend itself to 7.1, I can easily put the DM601 towers in the rear without them looking out of place, so aesthetics is not really a concern.
Thanks Bcgator,

The speakers seem to sound find, but one thing I did notice that has me a little nervous about them - there appears to be an ever so slight amount of rust on the bolts that hold the speakers in the cabinet. In my area that could be an indication that they were in a waterfront home and subjected to a salty environment. If it's just a tiny bit of surface rust on those bolts, I suppose I could live with that, but I just wonder if that's a warning sign that I should move on for possible other reasons.

Other than that, they appear to be in good condition. I'm sure there are no boxes. I don't know about the carpet spikes and rubber feet.

I don't recall my DM603s coming with spikes - or maybe I have them in storage and have forgotten about them.
Tls49 - that's my precise concern... I'd almost want to remove one speaker to look inside. I don't know if they would let me do that (or if it's really as easy as unbolting it).