B&W DM6, any good compared to speakers today?

I have an opportunity to pick up a vintage pair of B&W DM6's in great shape. How do they compare to todays speakers? I will be driving them with a Fisher 500C. I currently am using Kirksaeter 60's and some vintage AR 91's in my systems.
I have a pair and they are better than most, Like many of you iv'e had Proac super towers which in essence sound similar but more tunneled when listening to the DM6s these just expand the sound across the whole area.  It was suggested that some Monitor Audios might sound great but they hadn't listened to DM6. I am looking to recap these can anyone help?...  Thank you
I had mine out in the garden on the decking over the weekend... The neighbour popped around not to complain just to sit and listen to them.  3 hours later still sat there... though he had died but no he was blown away by the quality...
Just paired my Penguins with my 808's.  Definitely a difference between the two and together a totally different sound.  The crisp 808's tamed the lazy low end of the DM 6's but retained the boom.


Its 4 years on since my review above in 2017. I decided to check out the sound of B&W new reference speakers 801 D1. The new ones cost 25 times the price since the DM6 were the reference speakers originally in 1975 I believe. I bought mine in 1978 when the 801 was all the rage. This is my own opinion as a lover of classical music.

The new ones clearly demonstrated a much improved soundstage over the DM6 but are no way near the natural uncolored musicality of the DM6. I feel it may depend on the genre of music you like to hear. Its about individual preference in what you are hearing. I upgraded my naims to 82 preamp and a hycap recently and bought a Kuzma Stabi S, turntable which replaces the linn sondek. Its fitted with low output mc ZYX bloom cartridge. Very satisfied with the results. See no reason for changes in the foreseable future.