B&W 803 vs. 804

If anyone has compared these two speakers on the same system, could you share your thoughts on the differences you heard between them?
My N803s took a couple of months of regular playing to finally open up. The bass will go deeper with better definiton, the highs will be smoother and the soundstage depth will also increase. One way to speed up the process (and not disturb the housemates) is to put the speakers face to face, as close together without touching, and wire ONE speaker out of phase (red to black and vice versa on amp OR speaker side). If you let the radio play in mono you will barely hear any sound but the speakers will still be getting quite a workout.
Once I heard the 803's I couldn't listen to the 804's. Since I couldn't afford the 803's I bought Audio Physic Tempos and am very happy. I think they are far superior to B&w.
Great feedback on the 803 vs 804. The only part I don't understand is the price difference. The price difference here in Seattle is $7,000 between the 03 and the 804 , not just $1500 
Am I missing something. 
You picked up a 19 year old thread that discussed B&W speakers from several generations ago. The latest series (d3), are much more expensive.