B&W 803 Nautilus -HELP

Category: Speakers

I have a home theater set-up..

B&W 803N Front
B&W HTM2 Center
B&W 805N Back
Tag Mclaren AV32REX- Preamp-Surround Processor
Mark Levinson 334 for Front speaker
Bryston THX 5 channel amp for others
Tag Mclaren F3 CD20R Cd player.
Silver Sonic Q10 speaker cables


Home theater is awesome but

Music - STEREO not so good.

Or should I sell the B&W and get JM LAB instead??

What can I do to rectify the situation
the problem here is.......you should not use a AV preamp for stereo. Get a decent ML preamp for the Stereo section. Then have front channels pre out hook from TAG to ML.

TAG product not that great at the price range.
I use Nautilus 804 in almost the exact same system as you, except i use a Proceed AVP-S and quite different cables (see my system if you like)

This setup sounds fantastic on both home theater and 2 channel stereo. I would look at replacing the processor and taking a look at your cables which made a Huge difference.

You only listed your speaker cables with no mention of your other cables, but they can make more difference than the equipment itself if there is a truly weak link, so if you want that is the less expensive fix.

I have been playing around alot with power cords recently and the difference is HUGE. Soundstage presentation and depth are increased more than you would ever believe.
I never could figure out why everyone was buying all these expensive power cords,, now i know.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for your responses. You have been most helpful. Just one other question. Do you think the Levinson 334 is enough power to drive the 803's? My living room is quite small 15'x 18'. Thanks
System update.

I am also using:

PANASONIC 42" PHD5 (1028x768) PLASMA- 2003 MODEL

Should I upgrade my DVD player and should I buy a scaler for my plasma- the high res model doesnt display as good a picture as the low-res Panasonic