B & W 801 model type and amplifiers

There is an original pair of 801 speakers for sale locally at 1100. I am going to take a look at them. Having moved to SET tubes some time ago I don't have much in the way of large solid state amps about; only one Bryston 2B with 60 watts.

What would be the minimum type of solid state, or tube amplifier to drive these beasts? Would a Threshold SA3 or Krell KSA50 (both pure class A with very good power supplies but only rated at 50 wattts) work with these speakers?

I would want to acquire a used solid state amp as they are such bargains. Levinson 27.5 is another amp I've used and like but the price is moving up to the 2 large region for that amp.

Showing 1 response by triodeuser

I had a pair of 801 series 3's for over a decade.

These speakers require "high current" amplifiers in order to "come alive" - no SET will be a good match -

Take note: not all high wattage amps are _high current_

I tried the big hafler, a 200 watt or so B&K, and the _magic_ wasn't there till I tried a counterpoint SA 20, which was lower wattage rating but high current on the rails.

They are notoriously power hungry speakers _big grin_

Presumably the Thresholdamp that Thorman was using was high current also.

Prodigous amounts of SS power are called for here. You will definitely not be going down the SET path _grin_


Ken L