I was a B&W dealer (hobby type) for several years and found the MK 1s and 2s easy to drive and that they sounded good with about everything. That said, I would think a high current amp of considerable size would work well. Some of the older Krells are showing up at reasonable prices. I was a Krell dealer also but not at the same time. I would avoid the KMA 100s as my pair blew up twice. I would also not use the Classe DR 9 as I think it's deficiencies would aggravate those of the 801. Have not used their later models. I think you will not be disappointed ; I have thought about picking up a pair myself, notwithstanding the fact that I have more now than I can manage. I would get stands for them if possible. Drop me a line if I can be any help. Stan
B&W 801 2or 3
I'am interested in fellow 801 users about what kind of amps works well with the 801's. I still believe this is still one of the greatest speakers evry made period. A true classic that is still awesome to listen to. I've owned many speakers of different types and I still come back to the 801's series two or three. I just can't believe you can get these so cheap. There way under priced on the used market. I like these also better than the new series. The new natilus cabinets look sort of cheap made compared to the matrix series. But there again all newer speakers look cheap on there fit and finish. Companies want more money for a lesser built product usually .Whats your opinion or thoughts on these "GREAT SPEAKERS" ?