B&W 702 Signature vs The original B&W 702 S2

Bowers Wilkens newer 702 Signature Speaker built off of the 702 S2 series. Upgraded crossovers,cabinet, tuning,etc.
Has anyone performed a side by side comparison? I have the 702 S2 and wondering if the upgrade is worth the cost or just jump to the 803 D3.

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Dave B

Thank you for your opinion on the Signatures. My 702 S2 have more then enough power from my McIntosh.

Thanks, but I am more interested to see if anyone has had the opportunity to do a A/B comparison on the 2 speakers.
Not at all disenchanted with my speakers. Never eluded to that. They are absolutely lovely in appearance and sound. Read dozens of reviews prior to the purchase and after. Considering their price point I would find them hard to beat. A great bang for the buck! That being said, I am simply interested to see if anyone had the opportunity to evaluate the upgrades. I run McIntosh equipment ,Oppo UHD player and LG OLED for movies. As my listening is 70% music I am currently looking for a better speaker as I see no sense in upgrading the equipment at this point. When B&W announced this upgrade it perked my interest.
I’ve wanted a pair of the 800 series for some time and was simply curious if the 702 Signature was worth the additional cost and would I be pleased with the purchase. I thought I’d first start here at Audiogon instead of heading out to the local showroom due to the current lock downs by the overlords.
Yes,there are many different speakers but I like the sound of the B&W.
I apologize if I came across harsh (did not mean to) but I saw the thread developing into another thread.
I do appreciate the input. Thank you.