I'm a huge fan of B&W. I even use my 45 year old DM5's as rear speakers. There is certainly something unique about the B&W sonic signature- like a beautiful human voice emanating from them. It's subjective no matter what anyone says. But my last piece of advice is to do the upgrade if it's not too much of a financial stretch. If it claims to correct any deficiencies without adding any new ones, it's not really gambling. B&W has offered mods of products for many years and haven't triggered any class action suits that I know of. Go for it.
Showing 7 responses by bartholomew
I just read this review of your 702 S2's: https://hometheaterreview.com/bw-702-s2-loudspeakers-reviewed/ Very impressive review, so I would reconsider modding your existing speakers' x'overs instead. Don't kick the baby out with the bathwater. In the review, the reviewer thinks they're almost as good as the 804 D3's, at half the price. I know a great modifier if you'r interested. Probable cost would be in the $900 range. The result would be superior to original factory floor. |
Here's another review of your speakers: https://www.stereophile.com/content/bowers-wilkins-702-s2-loudspeaker Let me know if you're going to sell them- I might be interested in buying them! But before you let them go- closely examine the rest of your system for any weak links. You may not be doing justice to your speakers. An upgrade in interconnects can do wonders, for instance. |
@soix3 I don't think you wasted your time at all. You provided valuable information to the viewers of this thread. We also addressed the OP's disenchantment with his speakers from two differing viewpoints. So, I see your contribution as well worth your time, even though you were casting pearls. However, we shouldn't have blocked the hordes of commentators who actually have had experience with exactly those two models in an a/b setting. We were remiss in that way. |