B+O turntable problem

I have a B+O TX2 turntable with an MMC5 cartridge, which sounds horrible. The sound is rumbly and distorted in both the right and left channels. I am assuming I need a new cartridge, but I am not sure if that is actually the problem. I can get an MMC4 cartridge from Soundsmith, but wonder if I should or can do anything to make sure the cartidge is bad before I replace it.
just tell us where you have the turntable setup,on a seperate table,rack,wall mount or?
It is on a shelf of a buit-in cabinet. It is a pretty solid cabinet, built of 3/4 cherry plywood,the shelves have a solid cherry front edge, and they are dadoed,screwed and glued into the sides, which are screwed to the walls that surround the cabinet on 3 sides. The turntable used to sound fine, but the sound deteriorated to the point where it is awful. The Amp is on a shelf under the turntable, and one of the speakers is on the shelf above. The other speaker is on the top shelf of an identical cabinet in the other corner of the room.
Your speakers should definately NOT be in the same cabinet as your turntable. Also check your stylus pressure with a suitable gauge, and make sure that the cantilever/stylus assembly is not visually damaged using a magnifying glass.
sounds like your cartridge check that out first. And yes please take your speakers off the cabinet and place them on seperate stands or spike them to the floor.I would also place the turntable seperate from the cabinet, on its on.