B&O, overpriced artistic piece of audio?

I have always had some sort of fascination to all things nifty and modern looking. Since 1982, before coming to this country, I was able to look into a B&O advertisement page in the NYTimes. Are B&Os a compromise sonically compared to my current system (Preamp SFL-2, Amp, Sonic Frontiers Power 2, speakers Gershman X-1 and Sw-1 subwoofers, Japanese DVD+Bel Canto DAC-1, Tuner MCintosh Mr-78)? Can I be enamoured just for the looks and this sense of nostalgia or should I simply say that B&O does conquer sonically? PAUL

Showing 2 responses by sedond

your present system will absolutely *CRUSH* any b&o system. kinda like wondering if a ferrari is more fun to drive than a ford taurus: yup, just a *little*... ;~) also, i disagree w/spending $400 on a b&o turntable - get something befitting your current system. lotsa nice used 'tables in that price-range like systemdek, ar, cj walker, rega, sumiko, etc. again, these will crush the b&o table in sound-quality. doug
onhwy61, i *don't* understand why *anyone* would consider b&o - and for yust the reasons ewe cite: many companies *do* make attractive gear that sounds good, too! :>) doug