B&O Beomaster 1000

I'm new to the site, and even newer to starting a new discussion.
Also not sure how to view any replies.
While busy de-cluttering while keeping my bubble small during the pandemic, I came across my old faithful Beomaster from the late 1960s.
I'm hoping the group will guide me along in determining if it has any value, and if so to who.
Where would I advertise it for the right audience.
Otherwise I'm enjoying all of the various discussions and threads that are posted.
Thanks for any assistance and ideas.


Showing 1 response by ahusick

Thanks for you reply.
I agree with what you are saying. Not looking for a high value solution or afficiandos.
Just somewhere that it would be appreicated for what it is.
Does anyone have another site to suggest, else I'll just do Craigs list, eBay, Facebook, Kijiji, etc.
Appreciate any leads, don't want to scrap the unit, will donate it first but to whom.