B&K Web Pages taken down 12/12

Hello, I was trying to pull up the B&k web pages for support. It looks like ATI has taken them down! When you do a google search, there are no B&k web support pages!! I talked with tech support at ATI just before Thanksgiving. They told me they were working on the web pages. Then the following week all B&K web pages were gone. I need software support for the SR 10.1 remote. If anyone has the software disc that came with the 505/507, ref.50 preamp and can email me a copy I would greatly apprecieate it.
i believe that the urc rx700 is the same remote as the b&k sr10.1--you might contact urc to get your software.
Good news for B&K owners. I just talked with an ATI tech. He told me they hired a 3rd party to manage/update the B&K web sites. The 3rd party screwed it up and loss all web info. They are working to get the B&K web pages back up. It will just take a little more time, but it will be back up.
You might try Eastern Elite Audio Video in Buffalo. They have former B&K people and have been supporting the products.

Or Ralph Potts the guy you does BluRay reviews on AVSforum. He used to moderate forums on B&K and wrote about them a lot.