B&K ST-202 or Forte 1A?

I have a modified B&K ST-202 that I like very much,but would getting a Forte 1A be a step up from it.It is a Class A amp,but only has 50 Watts a Ch. vs. the 140 of the B&K.
The speaker's I will be driving are NEAR M15's and M50's which go down to about 2ohms and have a rating of approx. 91db 2 1 meter\1 watt.


Showing 4 responses by sean

What mod's have been done to the 202 ?

How loud do you like to listen to your music and how big is your room ?

Musical preferences ?

Knowing this might give us a better idea. Sean
While the Forte' is a far more refined amp that is "more powerful" than its' ratings would lead one to believe, i would probably stick with the B&K. While the Forte' might work better for Classical and jazz, it will not come across as having the "drive" that the B&K tends to produce, especially when being pushed harder. The 1A is much more open and airy sounding but does not have the "warmth" or "body" that the B&K does. As to the B&K amp, it can be made into a very good sounding amp due to the VERY simplistic design. Even with the limited parts count that are in these amps, you can get rid of another 10% of them due to lack of necessity and sonic degradation. Upgrading the input cap makes a BIG difference and bypassing the the power supply caps also helps to clean up and open up the top end. Sean
Unsound, i did not even notice that in the original post. Thanks for pointing that out to both of us. Neither amp would be real happy with that type of a load in my opinion. Not only does the B&K not have enough power supply, it is seriously lacking heatsink for that type of operation. The Forte' would deal with it a little easier, but i don't think that it would have enough juice to get the job done and do it cleanly. Sean
What an amp will "do" and how it operates optimally can be very different things. The ST-202 will "do" 2 ohm loads. In doing that, it will run QUITE hot, sound more smeared and less detailed, etc...

As to Unsound's suggestion, the M-200's are capable of appr 160 amps of output peak to peak. It will do 2 ohm loads no problem and maintain a similar "house sound" if you want to stick with B&K. Sean