B&K ST-202 or Forte 1A?

I have a modified B&K ST-202 that I like very much,but would getting a Forte 1A be a step up from it.It is a Class A amp,but only has 50 Watts a Ch. vs. the 140 of the B&K.
The speaker's I will be driving are NEAR M15's and M50's which go down to about 2ohms and have a rating of approx. 91db 2 1 meter\1 watt.


Showing 5 responses by nearsota

Are you both saying that a speaker that dips down to 2 ohms the B&K will not beable to handle cleanly?
What I think I will do is talk to the designer of the speaker's first off.Great to be able to do that.From that I will search for the most musical amp for my taste.
In my mind at the moment McCormick,B&K,PS Audio or a similar amp comes to mind.
I have posted a 2ohm Amp Question in addition to this!

Thx for the help!
Will take that into consideration,as I know that the designer knows my associated equiptment.I will confer with him to ask what he has for a system first!
Room size is about 20X20 and I listen to a broad range of Music.Anywhere from Soundtracks,Classical,Rock to Country when I have people around that want to hear it.

Roo size will vary though until I get a house of my own.

Playing Levels will generally be Loud when time permits.
I have found with the Mods done to the amp give it is a very clean sounding amp.The Highend Treble region I want more emphasis placed with my next amp wth the ability to Drive insfficient speaker's up to 300watts.That is the rating which the M50's have.
The NEAR's I am using have a newly designed Woofer\Mid Driver that has an emphasis in the lower Bass which lends warmth to the overall sound.
I will stick with the B&K till I find a Substantial Bargin in the used sector for a World Class Amp.
The best playback system I have heard my speaker's with are an ARC Pre-Amp and a Mark Levinson amp with a Proceed CDP

Thx again!