B K Reference 30 Audio/Video Preamp

Okay, I just got this thing set up. Sounds awesome. But the little voice in the back of my head is telling me that I'm missing something. I've listened to the Bryston SP-1, Lexicon(take your pick which model), Parasound, Acurus, Aragon, California Audio Labs. What it comes down to is cost. The stuff that sounds better, like the Bryston, costs a lot more. Does anyone know of any other Pre-processor in the B&K price range that I should listen to before my return period runs out? Thanks all, for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

The reviews in "The Perfect Sound" (TPS) and other similar A/V mags usually include the Parasound 2500 among the group of "best" pre/pro's. The 2500's price is close to the SP-1, but it is sometimes available used here on A-gon at a fairly good discount. If you can find a used SP-1 for around $2500-2800, it's a great unit that has a fully discrete analog circuit plus excellent digital surround processing. The SP-1 is modular, and Bryston will offer upgrades as the home theater and digital recording standards change.

The other pre/pros that I am familiar with for less money, such as the Adcom GTP-760, are a notch below the B&K 30 in audio quality, so you may not be satisfied. I am quite familiar with the Adcom 760, and think it offers very good performance for the money -- and the recent issue of TPS agrees.