Get the Rotel RMB-1585. From time to time you could find a used one in used markets for around $2k ish. The RMB-1585 is night and day better than the RMB-1555. not only in the power output dept but better in all areas. much greater dynamic, dynamic headroom, more impactful, much more fulsome sound or much fuller sound, more solid and better focus imaging, better image depths, larger soundstage sizes, more fluid liquid and analog sounding, thicker and better midrange bloom, much better separations between instruments and vocals. The RMB-1585 sounded much more realistic than the RMB-1555.
The Rotel will pair really well with the B&W. Which B&W speaker system do you have?
The Rotel will pair really well with the B&W. Which B&W speaker system do you have?