Azden Cartridges

Can anyone (Raul?) tell me if the Azden YM-P50C (conical) Azden YM-P50E (elliptical) and Azden YM-P50VL (vital line contact) are in fact the same cartridge with different cantilever/stylus assemblies? Thanks!


Showing 2 responses by jmowbray

Thanks Dgob. I noticed the color difference (in photos) which is why I was wondering if they were the same or not.

If you look at the specs for the 4 P-mount cartridges:

you can see that the YM-P20E uses the same stylus as the P50E but has only 24dB channel separation where the P50E has 28dB. Both have the same frequency response specifications. Looking at these 2 cartridges, it is clear that the P20E has a different cartridge body than the 50 series.

When you look at the specs for the 50 series cartridges, the differences between the 3 in their channel separation and frequency response specs seem to correspond with improving stylus shape. This make sense logically.

I asked the original question because I have an apparently defective YM-P50VL (no left channel) and want to take the stylus assembly from the defective cartridge and put it on a YM-P50C body. On paper it seems like it will work but I'll have no reference point for comparison purposes unless I can somehow get the original P50VL to work.

Just to follow up - I was able to use the VL stylus on the YM-P50C body and it sounds fine (again, no way to compare to see if it's as good as the P50VL cartridge body). I'll let it break in and report back later if anything changes.

Assuming they are the same cartridge body, if anyone missed out on getting a YM-P50VL, they might be able to get close by snagging a YM-P50C ($50 on ebay) and replacing the conical stylus with any of the elliptical stylii that seem to be available for $25-30.

Just a thought.
