Ayre V3 owners. What preamp do you use?

I have been useing an Audible Illusions M3A and I'm just curious what other V3 users have found to be a good match with this amp. For speakers I am using Maggie 1.6's. Thanks in advance for any feedback. Gary

Showing 4 responses by gmele

Thanks All...What I'm wondering is if the early reviews that stated the V3 to be only a good amp as oppossed to outstanding amp when run single ended was before the upgrades that Ayre made. Many say you need to run this amp balanced to get the most out of it. I'm finding the M3A(which is single ended) and the Ayre to be a good match, one thing that concerned me was a possible impedence mis-match between the pre and amp. The input on the M3A is set at 47k olhms and the Ayre is at 10k olhms. Is this a large difference? From what I've been able to tell there is no frequency imbalance that I've noticed. I've heard that you could have an amplifers input changed. What difference would that make? Thanks-Gary
Drubin and Bob budus- You are right... That was my mistake the output impedence is what I should have been concerned with and it is as Druvin had mentioned only 1.2K ohms. I've also spoken with the people at Ayre (Who are really GREAT they bother to spend the time with you!) who did not feel it was a mis-match at all. They actually thought it was a great combination. They also mentioned that the difference with the upgraded amp running single ended and the balanced configuration is not as big a difference as people make it out to be. They just recently came out with a burn in CD that they said makes a bigger difference that balanced vs single ended. Once again thanks for all your help. Best-Gary
Thanks Blbloom- I have the first upgrade and they recomend that you deleat the ground and reverse the polarity. I did both and it does make a difference.
Goldman- I would get the upgrade, what the upgrade does is opens up the top end a bit. If you remember the original reviews people said it was not as extended in the top end, the upgrade gives you alittle more air. I think it also gives you about 3db more gain. Also a great power cord for the V3 is the Custom Power Cord Company Model 11. I also run my amp with an AIM3A and find it to be a magical combination. Give Gary Mulder at Ayre a call he can fill you in on the upgrades, even though Ayre discontinued the V3 they will still do upgrades on them. Best-Gary